bingads.v13.reporting package


bingads.v13.reporting.exceptions module

class bingads.v13.reporting.exceptions.OperationError(code=None, details=None, error_code=None, message=None)[source]

Bases: object

Defines an error object that contains the details that explain why the service operation failed.

property code

A numeric error code that identifies the error

Return type


property details

A message that provides additional details about the error. This string can be empty.

Return type


property error_code

A symbolic string constant that identifies the error. For example, UserIsNotAuthorized.

Return type


property message

A message that describes the error.

Return type


exception bingads.v13.reporting.exceptions.ReportingDownloadException(message)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

exception bingads.v13.reporting.exceptions.ReportingException(message, errors)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

property errors

The list of operation errors returned by the reporting service.

Return type


bingads.v13.reporting.report_contract module

exception bingads.v13.reporting.report_contract.InvalidReportColumnException(column_name)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

This exception is thrown if trying to retrieve inexistent column

exception bingads.v13.reporting.report_contract.InvalidReportContentException[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

exception bingads.v13.reporting.report_contract.InvalidReportFormatException(format)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

class bingads.v13.reporting.report_contract.Report[source]

Bases: object

property last_completed_available_date
property potential_incomplete_data
property record_count
property report_aggregation
property report_columns
property report_name
property report_records
property report_time_end
property report_time_start
property time_zone

bingads.v13.reporting.report_file_reader module

class bingads.v13.reporting.report_file_reader.ReportFileReader(file_path, format)[source]

Bases: object

property file_path

The path of the bulk file to read.

Return type



bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_download_parameters module

class bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_download_parameters.ReportingDownloadParameters(report_request=None, result_file_directory=None, result_file_name=None, overwrite_result_file=False, timeout_in_milliseconds=None)[source]

Bases: object

Describes the related parameters when downloading file from server.

such as the file name and directory that you want to specify.

property decompress_result_file

If need to decompress the result file after download. This property is determined by the result_file_name, by default will do decompression. if the result_file_name has the extension of ‘.zip’ then do not do decompression. :rtype: bool

property overwrite_result_file

Whether the local result file should be overwritten if it already exists. :rtype: bool

property report_request

The report request. :rtype: ReportRequest

property result_file_directory

The directory where the reporting file will be downloaded. :rtype: str

property result_file_name

The name of the download reporting file. :rtype: str

property timeout_in_milliseconds

bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_operation module

class bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_operation.ReportingDownloadOperation(request_id, authorization_data, poll_interval_in_milliseconds=5000, environment='production', tracking_id=None, **suds_options)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a reporting download operation requested by a user.

You can use this class to poll for the download status, and then download the file when available.


The ReportingServiceManager.submit_download() method returns an instance of this class. If for any reason you do not want to wait for the file to be prepared for download, for example if your application quits unexpectedly or you have other tasks to process, you can use an instance of ReportingDownloadOperation to download the file when it is available.

download_result_file(result_file_directory, result_file_name, decompress, overwrite, timeout_in_milliseconds=None)[source]

Download file with specified URL and download parameters.

  • result_file_directory (str) – The download result local directory name.

  • result_file_name (str | None) – The download result local file name.

  • decompress (bool) – Determines whether to decompress the ZIP file. If set to true, the file will be decompressed after download. The default value is false, in which case the downloaded file is not decompressed.

  • overwrite (bool) – Indicates whether the result file should overwrite the existing file if any.

  • timeout_in_milliseconds (int) – (optional) timeout for download result file in milliseconds


The download file path.

Return type


property final_status

Gets the final status of the reporting operation or null if the operation is still running.

Return type



Track the detailed download status.


The status of reporting download operation.

Return type


property poll_interval_in_milliseconds

The time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts.

Return type


property request_id

The request identifier corresponding to the reporting download, depending on the derived type.

Return type


property service_client

The internal reporting service client.

Return type



Runs until the reporting service has finished processing the download or upload request.


timeout_in_milliseconds (int) – (optional) timeout for tracking reporting download operation


The final ReportingOperationStatus.

Return type


class bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_operation.TlsHttpAdapter(pool_connections=10, pool_maxsize=10, max_retries=0, pool_block=False)[source]

Bases: requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter

” Transport adapter that chooses the TLS protocols based on python versions.

init_poolmanager(connections, maxsize, block=False)[source]

Initializes a urllib3 PoolManager.

This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the HTTPAdapter.

  • connections – The number of urllib3 connection pools to cache.

  • maxsize – The maximum number of connections to save in the pool.

  • block – Block when no free connections are available.

  • pool_kwargs – Extra keyword arguments used to initialize the Pool Manager.

bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_operation_status module

class bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_operation_status.ReportingOperationStatus(status=None, report_download_url=None)[source]

Bases: object

Contains tracking details about the Report Request Status

property report_download_url

The report download Url. :rtype: str

property status

The download status. :rtype: str

bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_service_manager module

class bingads.v13.reporting.reporting_service_manager.ReportingServiceManager(authorization_data, poll_interval_in_milliseconds=5000, environment='production', working_directory=None, **suds_options)[source]

Bases: object

Provides high level methods for downloading reporting files using the Reporting API functionality.

Also provides methods for submitting download operations.


download_file() will submit the download request to the reporting service, poll until the status is completed (or returns an error), and downloads the file locally. If instead you want to manage the low level details you would first call submit_download(), wait for the results file to be prepared using either ReportingDownloadOperation.get_status() or ReportingDownloadOperation.track(), and then download the file with the ReportingOperation.download_result_file() method.


Downloads the specified reporting to a local file.


download_parameters (ReportingDownloadParameters) – Determines various download parameters, for example where the file should be downloaded.


The downloaded local reporting file path.

Return type



Downloads the specified reporting to a local file and parse it with report_file_reader.


download_parameters (ReportingDownloadParameters) – Determines various download parameters, for example where the file should be downloaded.


Report object parsed from the downloaded local reporting file path.

Return type


property poll_interval_in_milliseconds

The time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts.

Return type


property service_client

The internal reporting service client.

Return type



Submits a download request to the Bing Ads reporting service with the specified request.


report_request (ReportRequest) – Determines what kind of reporting file to download


The submitted download operation

Return type


property suds_options

suds option parameters



property working_directory

Directory for storing temporary files needed for some operations (for example upload_entities() creates a temporary upload file).

Return type


Module contents