bingads package



bingads.authorization module

class bingads.authorization.Authentication[source]

Bases: object

The base class for all authentication classes.

See also:


Sets the required header elements for the corresponding Bing Ads service or bulk file upload operation.

The header elements that the method sets will differ depending on the type of authentication. For example if you use one of the OAuth classes, the AuthenticationToken header will be set by this method, whereas the UserName and Password headers will remain empty.


headers (dict) – Bing Ads service or bulk file upload operation headers.

Return type


class bingads.authorization.AuthorizationData(account_id=None, customer_id=None, developer_token=None, authentication=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a user who intends to access the corresponding customer and account.

An instance of this class is required to authenticate with Bing Ads if you are using either ServiceClient or BulkServiceManager.

property account_id

The identifier of the account that owns the entities in the request.

Used as the CustomerAccountId header and the AccountId body elements in calls to the Bing Ads web services.

Return type


property authentication

An object representing the authentication method that should be used in calls to the Bing Ads web services.

See also:

Return type


property customer_id

The identifier of the customer that owns the account.

Used as the CustomerId header element in calls to the Bing Ads web services.

Return type


property developer_token

The Bing Ads developer access token.

Used as the DeveloperToken header element in calls to the Bing Ads web services.

Return type


class bingads.authorization.OAuthAuthorization(client_id, oauth_tokens=None, env='production', oauth_scope='msads.manage', tenant='common')[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.Authentication

The abstract base class for all OAuth authentication classes.

You can use this class to dynamically instantiate a derived OAuth authentication class at run time. This class cannot be instantiated, and instead you should use either OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant, OAuthDesktopMobileImplicitGrant, OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant, which extend this class.

See also:

property client_id

The client identifier corresponding to your registered application.

For more information about using a client identifier for authentication, see the Client Password Authentication section of the OAuth 2.0 spec at

Return type



Sets the AuthenticationToken headers elements for Bing Ads service or bulk file upload operation.


Gets the Microsoft Account authorization endpoint where the user should be navigated to give his or her consent.


The Microsoft Account authorization endpoint.

Return type


property oauth_tokens

Contains information about OAuth access tokens received from the Microsoft Account authorization service.

Return type


property redirection_uri

The URI to which the user of the app will be redirected after receiving user consent.

Return type


property state

An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback :rtype: str

property tenant
Return type


class bingads.authorization.OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant(client_id, oauth_tokens=None, env='production', oauth_scope='msads.manage', tenant='common')[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.OAuthWithAuthorizationCode

Represents an OAuth authorization object implementing the authorization code grant flow for use in a desktop or mobile application.

You can use an instance of this class as the AuthorizationData.Authentication property of an AuthorizationData object to authenticate with Bing Ads services. In this case the AuthenticationToken request header will be set to the corresponding OAuthTokens.AccessToken value.

This class implements the authorization code grant flow for Managing User Authentication with OAuth documented at This is a standard OAuth 2.0 flow and is defined in detail in the Authorization Code Grant section of the OAuth 2.0 spec at For more information about registering a Bing Ads application, see

class bingads.authorization.OAuthDesktopMobileImplicitGrant(client_id, oauth_tokens=None, env='production', oauth_scope='msads.manage', tenant='common')[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.OAuthAuthorization

Represents an OAuth authorization object implementing the implicit grant flow for use in a desktop or mobile application.

You can use an instance of this class as the AuthorizationData.Authentication property of an AuthorizationData object to authenticate with Bing Ads services. In this case the AuthenticationToken request header will be set to the corresponding OAuthTokens.AccessToken value.

This class implements the implicit grant flow for Managing User Authentication with OAuth documented at This is a standard OAuth 2.0 flow and is defined in detail in the Authorization Code Grant section of the OAuth 2.0 spec at For more information about registering a Bing Ads application, see


Extracts the access token from the specified redirect URI.


redirection_uri (str) – The redirect URI that contains an access token.


The OAuthTokens object which contains both the access_token and access_token_expires_in_seconds properties.

Return type



Gets the Microsoft Account authorization endpoint where the user should be navigated to give his or her consent.


The Microsoft Account authorization endpoint.

Return type


property redirection_uri

The URI to which the user of the app will be redirected after receiving user consent.

Return type


class bingads.authorization.OAuthTokens(access_token=None, access_token_expires_in_seconds=None, refresh_token=None, response_json=None)[source]

Bases: object

Contains information about OAuth access tokens received from the Microsoft Account authorization service.

You can get OAuthTokens using the RequestAccessAndRefreshTokens method of RequestAccessAndRefreshTokens method of either the OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant or OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant classes.

property access_token

OAuth access token that will be used for authorization in the Bing Ads services.

Return type


property access_token_expired

Whether the access token has been expired.

Return type


property access_token_expires_in_seconds

Expiration time for the corresponding access token in seconds.

Return type


property access_token_received_datetime

The datetime when access token was received

Return type


property refresh_token

OAuth refresh token that can be user to refresh an access token.

Return type


property response_json

OAuth whole attribute that got along with access token.

Return type


class bingads.authorization.OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant(client_id, client_secret, redirection_uri, token_refreshed_callback=None, oauth_tokens=None, env='production', oauth_scope='msads.manage', tenant='common')[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.OAuthWithAuthorizationCode

Represents an OAuth authorization object implementing the authorization code grant flow for use in a web application.

You can use an instance of this class as the AuthorizationData.Authentication property of an AuthorizationData object to authenticate with Bing Ads services. In this case the AuthenticationToken request header will be set to the corresponding OAuthTokens.AccessToken value.

This class implements the authorization code grant flow for Managing User Authentication with OAuth documented at This is a standard OAuth 2.0 flow and is defined in detail in the Authorization Code Grant section of the OAuth 2.0 spec at For more information about registering a Bing Ads application, see

class bingads.authorization.OAuthWithAuthorizationCode(client_id, client_secret, redirection_uri, token_refreshed_callback=None, oauth_tokens=None, env='production', oauth_scope='msads.manage', tenant='common')[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.OAuthAuthorization

Represents a proxy to the Microsoft account authorization service.

Implement an extension of this class in compliance with the authorization code grant flow for Managing User Authentication with OAuth documented at This is a standard OAuth 2.0 flow and is defined in detail in the Authorization Code Grant section of the OAuth 2.0 spec at For more information about registering a Bing Ads application, see

property client_secret

The client secret corresponding to your registered application, or None if your app is a desktop or mobile app.

Return type



Gets the Microsoft Account authorization endpoint where the user should be navigated to give his or her consent.


The Microsoft Account authorization endpoint.

Return type


property redirection_uri

The URI to which your client browser will be redirected after receiving user consent.

Return type



Retrieves OAuth access and refresh tokens from the Microsoft Account authorization service.

Using the specified refresh token. For more information, see the Refreshing an Access Token section in the OAuth 2.0 spec at


refresh_token (str) – The refresh token used to request new access and refresh tokens.


OAuth tokens

Return type


request_oauth_tokens_by_response_uri(response_uri, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieves OAuth access and refresh tokens from the Microsoft Account authorization service.

Using the specified authorization response redirection uri. For more information, see the Authorization Response section in the OAuth 2.0 spec at


response_uri (str) – The response redirection uri.


OAuth tokens

Return type


property token_refreshed_callback

The callback function registered, will be invoked after oauth tokens has been refreshed.

Return type


class bingads.authorization.PasswordAuthentication(user_name, password)[source]

Bases: bingads.authorization.Authentication

Represents a legacy Bing Ads authentication method using user name and password.

You can use an instance of this class as the authentication property of a AuthorizationData object to authenticate with Bing Ads services. Existing users with legacy Bing Ads credentials may continue to specify the UserName and Password header elements. In future versions of the API, Bing Ads will transition exclusively to Microsoft Account authentication. New customers are required to sign up for Bing Ads with a Microsoft Account, and to manage those accounts you must use OAuth. For example instead of using this PasswordAuthentication class, you would authenticate with an instance of either OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant, OAuthDesktopMobileImplicitGrant, or OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant.


Sets the user name and password as headers elements for Bing Ads service or bulk file upload operation.

property password

The Bing Ads user’s sign-in password.

Return type


property user_name

The Bing Ads user’s sign-in user name. You may not set this element to a Microsoft account.

Return type


bingads.exceptions module

exception bingads.exceptions.FileDownloadException(description)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

This exception is thrown if timeout occurs

exception bingads.exceptions.FileUploadException(description)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

This exception is thrown if timeout occurs

exception bingads.exceptions.OAuthTokenRequestException(error_code, description)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

This exception is thrown if an error was returned from the Microsoft Account authorization server.

property error_code

The error code of the OAuth error.

Return type


property error_description

The description of the OAuth error.

Return type


exception bingads.exceptions.SdkException(message)[source]

Bases: Exception

Base Exception for exceptions in SDK.

property message

Detailed exception message.

Return type


exception bingads.exceptions.TimeoutException(description)[source]

Bases: bingads.exceptions.SdkException

This exception is thrown if timeout occurs

bingads.headerplugin module

class bingads.headerplugin.HeaderPlugin[source]

Bases: suds.plugin.MessagePlugin


Suds has SAX parsed the received reply.

Provides the plugin with the opportunity to inspect/modify the SAX parsed DOM tree for the reply before it is unmarshalled.

@param context: The reply context.

The I{reply} is DOM tree.

@type context: L{MessageContext}

bingads.manifest module

bingads.service_client module

class bingads.service_client.BingAdsBuilder(resolver)[source]

Bases: suds.builder.Builder


whether or not to skip setting the value

class bingads.service_client.ServiceClient(service, version, authorization_data=None, environment='production', **suds_options)[source]

Bases: object

Provides an interface for calling the methods of the specified Bing Ads service.

property authorization_data

Represents a user who intends to access the corresponding customer and account.

Return type


property factory

The internal suds soap client factory.

Return type


property refresh_oauth_tokens_automatically

A value indicating whether OAuth access and refresh tokens should be refreshed automatically upon access token expiration.

Return type


property service_url

The wsdl url of service based on the specific service and environment.

Return type



Set suds options, these options will be passed to suds.


kwargs – suds options.

Return type


property soap_client

The internal suds soap client.

Return type


bingads.service_info module

bingads.util module

class bingads.util.DictCache[source]

Bases: dict, suds.cache.Cache

purge(key, /)

Delete self[key].

put(id_, obj)[source]

Put an object into the cache.

@param id: The object id. @type id: str @param object: The object to add. @type object: any


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